Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

Tim Lintz's Blog (32)

controversy surrounding the confederate flag: by Will

There has been a lot of recent controversy surrounding the confederate flag. We are in the process of removing it from all public display, use, sale, and possession.

I must point out that this fervent activity is about much more than removing this one symbol from public life. This is merely the opening pretext that will be used by radical historical revisionists for removing other symbols of our American history and culture.

There are now calls for the cleansing…


Added by Tim Lintz on July 17, 2015 at 5:37pm — No Comments




As you may expect the big news this month was the resounding defeat of the increase in the sales tax from 6% to 7%.    May I say thank you to all those who took the time to vote.  When we work together good things can happen.

At the May Lapeer Tea Party meeting people’s concerns about fracking in our state was heard and discussed.  As you may know fracking is a form of extracting oil and gas from the areas in the…


Added by Tim Lintz on May 10, 2015 at 7:21pm — No Comments

PLEASE VOTE by Tim Lintz


The polls open on May 5th to vote on Proposal 1.  This proposal will determine if the sales tax is raised from 6 cents to 7 cents in Michigan.  If you think this will never pass, don’t count on it.  One of the problems is when people think like that and don’t bother to go to the polls to vote. Those in favor of it passing are counting on it!   The fewer people going to the polls may just pass this bill. 

There are so…


Added by Tim Lintz on May 1, 2015 at 11:50am — No Comments

Proposal 1 Road Funding by Larry Leidline

My opinion on the Proposal 1 Road Funding is that it is not a road funding proposal and does not even meet the criteria as a well thought out proposal. It is up for vote because Lansing could not agree on funding and left it up to the voters. Further, it represents a failure of the Governor and Legislature to do the job they were elected to do. Only a slight majority of the $2 Billion it raises goes to road funding, parts of this proposal go to increased educational funding,…


Added by Tim Lintz on May 1, 2015 at 11:42am — No Comments



On April 7, 2015 the Lapeer County Tea Party held its monthly meeting at 7:00 PM at Maple Grove Church on Maple Grove Road in Lapeer. It was an exciting meeting with two guest speakers, State Senator Phil Pavlov and State Rep. from the 82 District Todd Courser. Both men spoke before an audience of over 80 people. They each talked about what was going on in their area of…


Added by Tim Lintz on April 17, 2015 at 11:14am — No Comments


March 31, 2015


Michigan is Taxed Enough Already

The television advertisements make it sound like Michigan Ballot Prop 1 is Michigan’s last chance to fix our roads. It uses dishonest language to deceive us into thinking the gas tax will be eliminated. It does not say it will be replaced with a higher wholesale tax that Concerned Taxpayers of Michigan estimate will raise gas prices by about 10 cents a gallon, raise state sales tax to 7%, raise vehicle…


Added by Tim Lintz on April 8, 2015 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Pay More Taxes ? by Tim Linttz

 Pay More Taxes  ?

On May 5th voters will go to the polls to vote on increasing the state sales tax from 6% to 7%. This is being publicized as a way to increase money to fix the roads that are in desperate need of repair. This isn’t as cut and dry as it sounds. In December, the Governor signed road bills from the Legislature that are linked to a package of 11 bills.  These bills go…


Added by Tim Lintz on February 28, 2015 at 2:37pm — No Comments

Stop Common Core Petition by Carol Brown

February 1, 2015

Rand Pac: Stop Common Core Petition

The Founding Fathers never intended the Federal government to run our

educational system. Under the Constitution’s 10th Amendment education should

fall under the jurisdiction of the states and localities. But big government

politicians chipped away at…


Added by Tim Lintz on February 28, 2015 at 2:31pm — No Comments


Disappointment does not begin to express my feelings about the amnesty issue facing our nation. When the Mulvaney/Salmon/Brat amendment was introduced to the CRomnibus spending bill that would block funding for President Obama’s amnesty policy, I was hopeful & encouraged that a solution had been found to stop our tyrannical leader from being able to implement the immigration amnesty law. My hopes were dashed to pieces when the House Rules Committee blocked all amendments including the…


Added by Tim Lintz on December 18, 2014 at 2:54pm — No Comments

Thoughts On The Ferguson Issue by John Lengemann


            "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest" wrote Paul Simon over 30 years ago in his song "The Boxer."  That describes much of what's taken place in Ferguson, Missouri. 


            From the time Michael Brown was killed until now the media, the President and the protesters have heard what they wanted to hear.  From the beginning the media [principally the left wing leaning media] told a tale that fit the template…


Added by Tim Lintz on November 30, 2014 at 12:41pm — No Comments

Elections have consequences by Terry martin

Elections have consequences

In 2009 President Obama famously told Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a private meeting that “elections have consequences” referring to the 2008 election when Democrats won the White House and majorities in both the Houses and Senate. Unfortunately we have witnessed the consequences of that election for the last six years with devastating results.…


Added by Tim Lintz on November 23, 2014 at 3:29pm — No Comments

NO MORE GAS TAX by Tim Lintz


The Michigan Senate just passed a bill that is on its way to the House of Representative for their approval (HB5477).  You may want to contact your State House of Representative member and ask him to vote no on this bill.  This bill will allow the state to increase our gas tax by about 1.2 billion dollars or an additional 9.5 to 15.5% per gallon, in phases over the next 4 years, according to the “Senate Fiscal Agency”.  The gas tax now, a…


Added by Tim Lintz on November 18, 2014 at 12:09pm — No Comments

A Shield Surrounding The White House by John Lengemann

There must be a shield surrounding the White House that's impervious to information until it becomes a part of the national conversation.  Over the past several years Obama just didn't know about a number of things until he either read it in the newspapers or learned of it at the same time the news media learned of it.  He just didn't know about the gun running scheme "Fast & Furious."  He learned of the IRS scandal by reading about it in the newspaper.  He had no knowledge about…


Added by Tim Lintz on November 18, 2014 at 11:53am — No Comments

The election is finally over by B. T.

The election is finally over. The votes have been counted and more importantly the phone calls have stopped.

There has been a lot of discussion about the meaning of the results. The obvious answer is that the people do not like the direction our country is heading. If they did, they had the opportunity to grant one party control of all 3 branches of government. The results are most likely due to the electorate becoming uncomfortable with the extent to which the political…


Added by Tim Lintz on November 14, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments

America’s People Must Stop Illegal Immigration by Carol Brown

I see illegal immigration as an economic fairness and rule of law problem. Our economy is slightly improving, but there are more people who are under-employed because of Obamacare and economic hardships in America. The thought of bringing even more people into the country to compete for jobs that Americans here are still having trouble finding is very troubling. What is happening at the border, the way people are coming across, ignoring the rule of law and being unfair to those who…


Added by Tim Lintz on October 16, 2014 at 10:19am — No Comments

We’re Dragging Anchor

                                                        We’re Dragging Anchor

The nightmare continues as the current administration’s flawed ideological approach to world affairs brings us ever closer to disaster. Much as a large ship dragging anchor in a storm, the United States drifts ever closer to the rocks and could ultimately wind up in the Sargasso sea of the failed nations and empires of history. The United States has suffered through poor leadership…


Added by Tim Lintz on October 3, 2014 at 9:31am — No Comments

Oservations From Europe by John Lengemann

Oservations From Europe


Listening to the news on BBC, Sky News and CNN Europe you obtain a different take from what you get by listening to those who cheerlead for the administration in the United States. There is little support for Obama’s policy against ISIS and for any intervention in the Ukraine. However those who live in the Baltic States such as Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are extremely fearful of what will be the next shoe to fall. With…


Added by Tim Lintz on September 25, 2014 at 11:26am — No Comments

conservative policies at the state level by: Bill Thomas

conservative policies at the state level

To the editor:

There is an election coming up and with it a chance to help determine the direction that our country will take.

We currently have a federal government that has gone off the rails into lawlessness and a Congress that is unwilling to assert its rightful authority to serve as a check against a runaway executive branch.

With little hope of seeing a change in federal policies, it…


Added by Tim Lintz on September 17, 2014 at 1:07pm — No Comments

Time To Unite


I think it's time to stop all the angry talk about who won in the primary election and who didn't. I would also hope the talk by some to not vote at all, or vote for the other party, is just emotional talk. Everyone needs to remember they are voting for their party’s platform and the importance of supporting their party. If you don't vote, or decide to vote for the other party out of spite, your…


Added by Tim Lintz on September 2, 2014 at 10:06am — No Comments

Put The Brakes on Common Core by Terry Martin

The experts who support it describe Common Core (CC) as “A tighter set of smarter standards focused on developing critical learning skills instead of mastering fragmented bits of knowledge.” “It equalizes the playing field by raising expectations for all children, especially those suffering the worst effects of the “drill and kill” test prep norms of the recent past.”

As positive as these claims sound it’s hard to hide the political agenda behind the CC project. For starters,…


Added by Tim Lintz on April 30, 2014 at 12:13pm — No Comments


Latest Activity

William Gavette posted a blog post

Commissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights -- "From the 10-20 2021 Lapeer County Press"

Original article HERECommissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights OCTOBER 20, 2021 BY KRYSTAL MORALEE CONTRIBUTING WRITERLAPEER — Frustrated by what he sees happening at a federal and state level, particularly during the COVID- 19 pandemic, Commissioner Rick Warren has been known to speak passionately during commissioner time at county…See More
Oct 20, 2021
William Gavette posted a blog post

A few restaurants considered resumption of dine-in service, change minds after state action (From 11/29/2020 Lapeer County Press)

NOVEMBER 28, 2020BY JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • JHOGAN@MIHOMEPAPER.COMOriginal posting HERELAPEER COUNTY — The Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Nov. 15 issued a three-week partial shutdown of businesses and limited the size of outdoor public gatherings until Dec. 8 in an effort to mitigate a…See More
Nov 29, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County road millage proposed (From the March 1st 2020 Lapeer County Press)

Original Article click HERE JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • jhogan@mihomepaper.comNovember ballot may include 1.85-mill, four-year proposalMAYFIELD TWP. — The writing is on the…See More
Mar 1, 2020
William Gavette shared their blog post on Facebook
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette shared their blog post on Facebook
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post


This Thursday (1/23/2020) at 9AM!!!!The Lapeer County Commission is taking up a resolution at its next meeting which is this Thursday morning at 9AM. We encourage folks to attend to support a RESOLUTION TO DECLARE LAPEER COUNTY TO BE A “SECOND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY COUNTY” . Please attend if you can and show your support! This will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2020 during the Commissioner’s meeting that starts at 9:00 am. AS this is at the Courthouse complex, this is a weapon / pistol free…See More
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County may take stand on 2nd Amendment "From Jan 19th Lapeer County Press"

Original Story Link HereResolution to affirm rights to be discussed this week| JANUARY 18, 2020LAPEER — Lapeer County is among those in the first wave of Michigan counties whose leaders are looking at declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuary counties — 2A Sanctuary for short. County Commissioner Rick Warren (District 5) moved Thursday to put a resolution on…See More
Jan 19, 2020
Maurice is now a member of Lapeer County Tea Party
Jan 2, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

Thoughts on the Impeachment Charade from LCTP Chair Maurice Freed...

MAURICE DAVID FREED, JDFREED AGENCY/LAWYER’S HELP INVESTIGATIONSLapeer, Michigan 48446mfreed5161@aol.comDecember 20, 2019Republican National CommitteePO Box 96994Washington DC 20090-6994 Attn: Ms. Ronna McDaniel Chairwoman, Republican National Committee Re: Impeachment - “ME THINKS WE PROFESS TOO MUCH!!”Dear Ms. Ronna McDaniel: The purpose of this communication is to address the importance of the Constitution as the foundation of our Democratic Republic. Whatever your political affiliations…See More
Jan 2, 2020
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Apr 16, 2019

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