Lapeer County Tea Party

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America’s People Must Stop Illegal Immigration by Carol Brown

I see illegal immigration as an economic fairness and rule of law problem. Our economy is slightly improving, but there are more people who are under-employed because of Obamacare and economic hardships in America. The thought of bringing even more people into the country to compete for jobs that Americans here are still having trouble finding is very troubling. What is happening at the border, the way people are coming across, ignoring the rule of law and being unfair to those who have actually obeyed the law to immigrate to the country on a legal path to citizenship, should be a concern to every American citizen. It’s not fair, just or right to those people who are obeying the rules - to allow others who have disrespected the rule of law and are given special privileges allowing them to cut in line in front of those who have been waiting patiently. Lured largely by Obama’s deferred deportation policy, some 57,000 mostly unaccompanied minors have come to the U.S. border in recent months, overwhelming the Department of Homeland Security’s resources and those of many of the cities across the nation where they are settled. The House's inaction to the Schumer-Obama amnesty bill approved by the Senate last year is no reason for the President to act without Congressional approval. The right response to the collapse of the U.S. immigration system is for Congress to fix the law. The House had a vehicle to do just that by taking up the legislation passed by the Senate last year. But it does not follow that Congress can be ignored based on its failure to act. The right response to lawmakers who won’t solve the immigration mess is to replace them with ones who will. The Obama Administration is completing a review of a new directive that would expand the DACA program to an estimated 5-6 million illegal aliens. The President's expanded executive amnesty would violate U.S. law and the Constitution. Congress is a mess. But that doesn’t grant the president license to tear up the Constitution As we’re looking toward the November election, the one thing we need to focus on is - how can we stop this Administration’s agenda from continuing in the United States Senate. And how can we get the Senate functioning again so that they’re voting on bills that the House has passed. The way to do that is to change the majority in the United States Senate. Now we need to make sure every American understands they need to support candidates running against Obama’s Democrat allies to sweep them out of office in historic fashion with the illegal immigration issue as the flagship issue of 2014. What is so difficult about understanding the word Illegal? If it is illegal then, it is not acceptable. If it is not legal it is against the United States of America law. A six year old understands that, why doesn't the current President and Congress understand that?

Carol L. Brown Lapeer,

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