Keeping the grass roots growing!!
As you may expect the big news this month was the resounding defeat of the increase in the sales tax from 6% to 7%. May I say thank you to all those who took the time to vote. When we work together good things can happen.
At the May Lapeer Tea Party meeting people’s concerns about fracking in our state was heard and discussed. As you may know fracking is a form of extracting oil and gas from the areas in the earth that have been too hard to reach in the past. Because there are pro’s and con’s about this method we thought we would get someone who could address some of these issues as an expert on the matter.
We called upon Mr. Shaun Lehman, a noted geologist with the DEQ (Dept. of Environmental Quality) office of Oil, Gas and Minerals. Mr. Lehman gave a clear detailed description of how fracking works, and how it helps to extract a larger quantity with fewer wells. After his talk Mr. Lehman answered questions from the audience about the safety of the wells, the water and the earth around fracking areas.
We also got an update from Senator Green’s office and House Representative Todd Courser’s office on what was going on in Lansing.
The topic of this month’s Postcard Program is the Health Insurance Exchange. Government controlled insurance should be replaced with private insurance plans. Postcards were addressed to our state officials to let them know our thoughts.
The Lapeer Tea Party is proud of the abundance of information and outreach material provided, most are free and others are low cost.
Hope to see you all at our June 2nd meeting 7:00pm back here at Maple Grove Church. Join your friends and neighbors and learn the facts about what’s happening in the government on your behalf.
Tim Lintz
© 2025 Created by William Gavette.
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