Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

David Edward Bloch's Blog (32)

Modern Political Conservatism: A Preliminary Obituary


First, let me describe what I believe to be traditional or true political conservatism.  True political conservatism has five core principles: (1) Respect for the Constitution and its literal interpretation, (2) Limited federal government and respect for state’s rights, (3) Fiscal responsibility - low taxes, balanced budget, and low debt, (4)…


Added by David Edward Bloch on March 9, 2016 at 11:53am — No Comments

Disney Co. fires Hundreds of American workers - hires foreign H1-B visa replacement workers

Here is an article from regarding Disney firing American workers and bringing to the USA, South Asian workers to replace them.  The American workers were told to train the foreign workers or they would not receive any severance pay.  Also, the foreign workers were instructed to video/audio record their time with the American workers:…


Added by David Edward Bloch on September 7, 2015 at 2:33pm — No Comments

State Rankings for Services Received vs. Taxes Paid - Michigan is 46th.

The has an article ranking states according to the value of services received vs. the taxes paid.  Michigan ranked 46th, meaning there are only four states that are worse than Michigan.  If Proposal 1 passes, Michigan will probably have the disgraceful stigma of being the worst state in the nation for services rendered vs. taxes paid.  



Added by David Edward Bloch on April 14, 2015 at 10:18pm — No Comments

New Michigan Senate Building to cost $134 million - not $70 million.

On Tuesday night, March 3, 2015, our guest speaker, Mr. Scott Hagerstrom spoke about the Tax Proposal 1 on the May 5,2015  ballot. As part of his presentation he mentioned that our Rulers, I mean government legislators, in Lansing have voted to build a new $70 million Senate Office Building.  Unfortunately, it will cost almost double that amount.  The government will borrow money to build the building and the interest cost on…


Added by David Edward Bloch on March 5, 2015 at 1:27pm — No Comments

The Real Obama


I am the Worst Terrorist the United States has ever faced.

Added by David Edward Bloch on March 3, 2015 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Davison Community School Board's new Socialist Agenda

Davison Community School's proposed so-called "Balance School Calendar" is a bad solution looking for a problem to solve.  On January 27, 2015 I attended a forum presented by Superintendent Lieske at Davison Middle School regarding Davison School's “Balanced School Calendar” BSC. Mr. Lieske is proposing to eliminate the traditional school year and replace it…


Added by David Edward Bloch on February 27, 2015 at 12:43am — No Comments

GOP Michigan U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers continues his Fraud on Benghazi

As I outlined in a previous post, GOP Michigan U.S. Representative Mike Rogers is abusing his office to cover-up incompetence and lies regarding Benghazi, in order to cover for his wife who was CEO of the British firm that was paid by the U.S. government for security in Benghazi.  Rogers is abusing his office to protect his wife from lawsuits. The latest report released by a committee led by Rogers was called "garbage" by none…


Added by David Edward Bloch on December 4, 2014 at 12:03am — No Comments

Michigan GOP and Jonathan Gruber

Jonathan Gruber is the MIT Economics Professor who was recently exposed in video tapes stating that it was the "stupidity" of the American voter that allowed Obamacare to get passed.  He gloated about how successfully deceitful both he and the Obama Administration were in getting government control of the health industry.…


Added by David Edward Bloch on November 15, 2014 at 12:20am — No Comments

Common Core

The following article published on Breitbart News is an excellent refutation of Common Core by a Stanford Mathematician who was initially involved in advising on the standards:…


Added by David Edward Bloch on September 2, 2014 at 12:01pm — No Comments

Justin Amash, Michigan U.S. Representative Supports Amnesty.

Justin Amash, a heretofore self described conservative, supports amnesty for all illegal aliens residing in the country.  Read More:



Added by David Edward Bloch on July 16, 2014 at 9:12pm — No Comments

Message from Virginia’s 7th District voters: Stop the LYING and represent us.

     Eric Cantor was/is a liar who put his own selfish political ambitions above the desires of the people he was elected to represent and eventually he paid the price by being fired.  Cantor lied repeatedly.  He told his constituents one thing and then went to Washington and did the exact opposite.  Cantor told his constituents he was a fiscal conservative, but went to Washington and voted to increase spending and increase the…


Added by David Edward Bloch on June 13, 2014 at 9:14am — No Comments

Michigan U.S. House of Rep. Mike Rogers - A Fraud and Crony Capitalist

Republican Mike Rogers is the Chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee.  One of his responsibilities is to investigate the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi where four Americans were murdered by terrorists. However Rogers has dragged his feet and done almost nothing.  Why?  Also, recently Rogers, 51 years old and “serving” since 2001, announced he would not run for re-election to the House of…


Added by David Edward Bloch on April 16, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Common Core and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s “inBloom” child database program.

       Billionaire Bill Gates and his foundation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is a primary force pushing Common Core.  In February 2013, the Gates foundation gave $100 million to fund a giant database to collect private information of American school children starting in early education and extending all the way through high school.  This database is named “inBloom”.  So far nine states are participating: Colorado,…


Added by David Edward Bloch on February 24, 2014 at 2:01pm — No Comments

Common Core Update - Legislation and Required Reading

Update: On October 24, 2013 the Republican controlled Senate passed “Substitute for House Concurrent Resolution No. 11.”  This is the disguised name for the bill that provides funding and authorizes the State Board of Education and the Michigan Department of Education to begin implementing Common Core in every school district in Michigan.  Republican Governor Rick…


Added by David Edward Bloch on January 24, 2014 at 9:46am — No Comments

Candice Miller votes to Increase Spending and Taxes and to Reduce Sequester Cuts

     Candice Miller, socialist Republican House of Representative, again voted to support Big Government.  Yesterday, December 12, 2013 Miller voted “Aye” for House Resolution 59, on Roll Call 640 concerning the 2 year budget proposal.  This resolution, which will now be sent to the senate, INCREASES TAXES AND INCREASES SPENDING. This resolution takes back $65 billion in already approved sequester CUTS and now gives that…


Added by David Edward Bloch on December 13, 2013 at 10:41am — No Comments

Neslson Mandela: A Courageous, Dangerous, and Delusional Man

Courageous:  Nelson Mandela was the main leader of the opposition that ended decades of white-rule apartheid in South Africa. He endured 27 years of imprisonment, emerging as the elected post-apartheid South African President.  As President, Mandela was magnanimous and did not seek revenge but instead reconciliation with the previous white rulers.   …


Added by David Edward Bloch on December 12, 2013 at 9:17am — No Comments

Obama's Biggest Lie


Added by David Edward Bloch on October 29, 2013 at 11:21pm — No Comments

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee vs. The Loyalists

As the American Revolutionary War developed, the American colonists were divided into two groups: the Loyalists who were loyal to King George of England despite the tyranny he inflicted upon them, and the Revolutionists who wanted to be liberated from the tyranny of King George. The current events of today are analogous with events preceding the American Revolutionary War.…


Added by David Edward Bloch on October 18, 2013 at 9:44am — 1 Comment

Obama's New Rat Hole

Obama wants to take the United States down another rat hole. For Obama, this is standard procedure.  The rat hole this time is called “a shot across the bow” of Syria for using chemical weapons. Yet, while “Syrian opposition rebels” slaughter and burn Coptic Christians and their churches in Syria, Obama remains silent. Obama’s real motives are to support the Muslim Brotherhood, as he did in Egypt which has turned out to be an abysmal failure.    As always,…


Added by David Edward Bloch on September 3, 2013 at 10:50pm — No Comments

Rep. Candice Miller votes to abolish the 4th Amendment

The 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution reads:


“Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly…


Added by David Edward Bloch on July 28, 2013 at 5:33pm — 1 Comment


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William Gavette posted a blog post

Commissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights -- "From the 10-20 2021 Lapeer County Press"

Original article HERECommissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights OCTOBER 20, 2021 BY KRYSTAL MORALEE CONTRIBUTING WRITERLAPEER — Frustrated by what he sees happening at a federal and state level, particularly during the COVID- 19 pandemic, Commissioner Rick Warren has been known to speak passionately during commissioner time at county…See More
Oct 20, 2021
William Gavette posted a blog post

A few restaurants considered resumption of dine-in service, change minds after state action (From 11/29/2020 Lapeer County Press)

NOVEMBER 28, 2020BY JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • JHOGAN@MIHOMEPAPER.COMOriginal posting HERELAPEER COUNTY — The Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Nov. 15 issued a three-week partial shutdown of businesses and limited the size of outdoor public gatherings until Dec. 8 in an effort to mitigate a…See More
Nov 29, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County road millage proposed (From the March 1st 2020 Lapeer County Press)

Original Article click HERE JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • jhogan@mihomepaper.comNovember ballot may include 1.85-mill, four-year proposalMAYFIELD TWP. — The writing is on the…See More
Mar 1, 2020
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Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette shared their blog post on Facebook
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post


This Thursday (1/23/2020) at 9AM!!!!The Lapeer County Commission is taking up a resolution at its next meeting which is this Thursday morning at 9AM. We encourage folks to attend to support a RESOLUTION TO DECLARE LAPEER COUNTY TO BE A “SECOND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY COUNTY” . Please attend if you can and show your support! This will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2020 during the Commissioner’s meeting that starts at 9:00 am. AS this is at the Courthouse complex, this is a weapon / pistol free…See More
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County may take stand on 2nd Amendment "From Jan 19th Lapeer County Press"

Original Story Link HereResolution to affirm rights to be discussed this week| JANUARY 18, 2020LAPEER — Lapeer County is among those in the first wave of Michigan counties whose leaders are looking at declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuary counties — 2A Sanctuary for short. County Commissioner Rick Warren (District 5) moved Thursday to put a resolution on…See More
Jan 19, 2020
Maurice is now a member of Lapeer County Tea Party
Jan 2, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

Thoughts on the Impeachment Charade from LCTP Chair Maurice Freed...

MAURICE DAVID FREED, JDFREED AGENCY/LAWYER’S HELP INVESTIGATIONSLapeer, Michigan 48446mfreed5161@aol.comDecember 20, 2019Republican National CommitteePO Box 96994Washington DC 20090-6994 Attn: Ms. Ronna McDaniel Chairwoman, Republican National Committee Re: Impeachment - “ME THINKS WE PROFESS TOO MUCH!!”Dear Ms. Ronna McDaniel: The purpose of this communication is to address the importance of the Constitution as the foundation of our Democratic Republic. Whatever your political affiliations…See More
Jan 2, 2020
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Apr 16, 2019

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