Keeping the grass roots growing!!
I attended the Lapeer Tea Party meeting on the evening of July 3, 2012 to hear the invited speakers -Michigan Supreme Court Justice Stephen Markman and District Judge Colleen O’Brien, both of whom are seeking election to the Michigan Supreme Court. Justice Markman is seeking re-election and Judge O’Brien is seeking election to an open seat to be vacated by Justice Kelly due to age term limits. After the meeting, I went home and did some online research on both judges.
I believe Justice Markman is a true rule of law, strict constitutionalist justice. He teaches at Hillsdale College. This past spring I participated in Hillsdale College’s 10 week online course regarding the Constitution. I also purchased their 750 page book titled: The U.S. Constitution – A Reader, which is the background for the course. I highly recommend this course to our members. Hillsdale College is a true conservative, constitutionalist oriented institution.
In regards to Judge O’Brien I discovered some very troubling information. Judge O’Brien, besides her judicial responsibilities, is also an adjunct professor at Thomas M. Cooley Law School and recently received an award from the school. Thomas M. Cooley Law School is a very liberal institution! I think we all remember former Northern Michigan House of Representative member Bart Stupak. It was Stupak, a Thomas M. Cooley Law School graduate, who cast the deciding vote to plague us with ObamaCare. Stupak claimed to be a pro-life democrat for his 19 year career and initially led about 15 other so-called blue-dog democrats in opposition to ObamaCare because the legislation allowed for taxpayer funded abortions. However, Stupak caved-in to Obama by accepting Obama’s “executive order” promising to fix the abortion payments issue. Of course, the executive order was a lie and not worth the paper it was written on and Stupak knew it at the time. Stupak’s cowardice allowed for ObamaCare, the most dangerous freedom killing law ever to be passed by Congress, to become law. Stupak’s constituents were outraged, for good reason, at his betrayal. Then Stupak committed another act of cowardice by not facing his constituents and instead deciding not to run for re-election. Stupak knew that he would suffer a humiliating defeat by We the People. So, the coward Bart Stupak quit in disgrace and left town. However, it is very likely that Stupak cut a deal with Obama that if he lost re-election, because of voting for ObamaCare, that the Democratic Party would find him a good paying prestigious job; a job to enhance his résumé. I wonder how many of these quid pro quo deals were offered by Obama to buy votes (remember the “Nebraska Kickback?)” Obama and the democrats did in fact find Stupak a prestigious job. By the spring of 2011 Stupak was a Fellow at the Institute of Politics, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government. Is there any institution more harmful to freedom than Harvard University? Yes there is! It is the Thomas M. Cooley Law School. On March 16, 2012, the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, not to be outdone by Harvard, elected Stupak to a four year term to their Board of Directors, and at the same time praised Stupak by stating: “He also played an important role in the passage of H.R. 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010,” (ObamaCare). Most of the above information can be found on the following website:
I also notice that on Judge O’Brien’s website she lists Genesee County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Farah as one of her “judicial supporters.” It is my opinion that Judge Farah, a Thomas M. Cooley Law School graduate and member of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School Board, is a socialist type, big government-loving, non-rule of law, virulent anti Freedom of Information Act judge.
As the saying goes – one can tell a lot about a person by the company she keeps – I am very troubled by Judge O’Brien’s deep association with the Thomas M. Cooley Law School with its liberal, anti-freedom, big-government- loving orientation. I hope the Republican nominating committee does not choose Judge O’Brien as their nominee for the vacant seat on the Michigan Supreme Court. She just may be Michigan’s “John Roberts” in waiting. Nevertheless, can we take that chance?
Mr. Greenlee,
You are right!
Judge Jane Markey’s association with the Thomas M. Cooley Law School is so long and extensive that I think it absolutely disqualifies her to even be considered as a conservative judge. Judge Markey graduated from Thomas M. Cooley Law School and is a sitting member of their Board. I would like to know if as a Board member did she vote to put Stupak on the Board. I would also like to know if she approves and endorses Stupak's actions and vote on ObamaCare. One website I visited quoted her as saying: “One of her passions is reflected in her long service on the Thomas M. Cooley Law School Board of Directors. She has referred to herself as a “cheerleader for Cooley.” In translation that means “cheerleader” for ObamaCare-Stupak- Big Government.
David -
Thanks much for your review and I agree 100% on your comments with regard to Justice Markman - he is an excellent Justice and should be returned to the Bench for another term.
I do take issue with your comments about Judge Colleen O'Brien. It seems that your assessment of her and the attack/questions raised about her is based on her having taught a class at Cooley Law School and being supported by a particular alumnus. This does not represent a "deep association" in my opinion. Instead, a "deep association" would be more along the lines of serving on their Board of Directors, or having been married to a full time professor there...both of which are true of Judge O'Brien's opponent for the open seat, Judge Jane Markey. Yes, Judge Markey in her current role as a member of the Board of Directors at Cooley would have a lot to say about policies and the direction of the school. And Judge Markey was also married to a full time professor there. If an association with Cooley is the measuring stick, you would want to enthusiastically support Judge O'Brien. But there are many more reasons to support Judge O'Brien, as this proven vote-getter and tenacious campaigner is poised to defend our freedoms, support and enforce the Michigan and US Constitution, and continue with her record of being a well respected Rule of Law Judge.
You note your respect for Hillsdale College, which I also share. It is one of the most conservative colleges and/or universities in the country without question. You will find it interesting that the President of Hillsdale College, Dr. Larry Arnn, supports and has endorsed Judge Colleen O'Brien for the Michigan Supreme Court, as has Chief Justice Robert Young and many more, and I encourage you and your readers to do the same.
For more on Judge O'Brien, please consult her website at or find her on Facebook.
Scott Greenlee
Campaign Manager
O'Brien for Justice
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