Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

Socialist Indoctrination at Davison Community Schools

Davison Community Schools is indoctrinating young students in the tenets of socialism.

I recently came into possession of a Hahn Intermediate School hand-out that was openly discussed in a sixth grade class.  The hand-out was titled: “Spatial Inequality in Mexico City: From Cardboard to Castles, Chapter 9” and is eight typewritten pages long with illustrations. The hand-out describes the living conditions of two families: the Romeros who live in a poorer section of Mexico City (cardboard) and the Albases, who live in a richer (castle) part of the city. The following are direct quotes from the hand-out:

“The contrast between their two ways of life is an example of spatial inequality.  This is an unequal distribution of wealth or resources over a geographic area.”

“Geoterms: spatial inequality the unequal distribution of wealth or resources in a geographic area, so that some places are richer than others”

“9.5 A City of ‘Haves’ and ‘Have Nots.’  She [Sylvia Marinez] is one of the millions of ‘have nots’ in Mexico City.”

“The ‘have nots’ are poor people who have little money and few possessions.  They make up the majority of the city’s population.  In contrast the ‘haves’ are people with money and comfortable lives.  The differences between these two groups reflect the spatial inequalities of Mexico City.”

“The ‘Have Nots’ Struggle to Survive.  The poorest of the ‘have nots’ are typically recent migrants to the city who often live in slums on the edge of town.  Most houses in these slums are one-room shacks made of cardboard and other refuse.  Many of these houses lack electricity and running water.”

“The ‘Haves’ Live Well.  The ‘haves’ are members of Mexico City’s middle and upper classes.  They make up approximately one fourth of the city’s residents. These extremely wealthy people are large landowners.  They enjoy a luxurious standard of living, many living on large castle-like estates with high walls and security systems.”

“9.6 Beginning to Think Globally.  In this chapter, you learned about spatial inequality in Mexico City. You have also seen how rich and poor have very different standards of living.  Spatial inequality does not exist only in large cities, but also in any areas where differences in wealth affect how people live. You can observe such differences in standards of living in small towns as well as in suburbs and cities.”

“9.7 Global Connections.  This map compares how well people live around the world.  The rankings are based on a measure of living standards known as the Human Development Index HDI.”

My Comments:

This is pure socialist propaganda and indoctrination of young school children.  Saul Alinsky, the card carrying communist proselytizer of resentment and envy, two cardinal socialist virtues, who died in 1971, coined the phrases “haves” and “have nots” in his book Rules for Radicals. This book is a field manual for socialists.  Hillary Clinton wrote her senior year thesis at Wellesley College on Saul Alinsky (chapter IV is titled: The Alinsky Method of Organizing.)  Barack Obama, during his communist organizing years in Chicago, used the Alinsky methods. The writer of this 6th grade lesson “Spatial Inequality in Mexico City” is undoubtedly a disciple of Saul Alinsky.

This socialist lesson also teaches young children to be guilty of success, especially their parent’s success.  Will an indoctrinated child come home and confront his/her parents and ask, “We live on 10 acres.  Everyone doesn’t have 10 acres.  That is spatial inequality.  We should feel guilty.”  Or, “We live in a nice big house (castle), while others live in smaller houses, apartments, even mobile homes (cardboard).  We should feel guilty.”  Or, “We have a nice new SUV car.  Others drive old smaller cars.  We should feel guilty.” Socialism is the philosophy of resentment, envy, and guilt.  The benefits of a free enterprise system under a capitalistic republic which offers  opportunities to study, work hard, and develop oneself in order to achieve personal success and material gains is never mentioned in the article. Perhaps the writer should feel guilty of “time inequality,” that is, not giving “equal time” to opposing political/economic philosophies, in contrast to the confiscatory unfree system of socialism.          

And when school tests are given, if students do not regurgitate the correct socialist answers as they have been brainwashed into learning, they will be marked wrong.  Every tax payer’s dollars are being used to promote this socialist indoctrination of young school children in Davison Community Schools.  I want my money back. 

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