Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

All Blog Posts (193)

U.S. Census: 20.7% of area children in poverty

From the 10-30-2011 Lapeer County Press


U.S. Census: 20.7% of area children in poverty 

BY NANCY R. ELLIOTT 810-452-2601



Added by William Gavette on October 31, 2011 at 7:43am — No Comments

Recall effort against Sen. Pavlov underway

This is from the 10-30-2011 County Press:


Sen. Pavlov target of recall 

20,466 signatures needed to make ballot

Added by William Gavette on October 31, 2011 at 7:23am — No Comments

The God and Country Education Project


I guarantee to you folks that the kids that we see who are in the process of completely soiling the tenants of our Western Civilization are a products of the government run school systems, kindergarten thru grad school. What do we do?


My board and I have been involved in the charter school movement pretty much since its inception. We had a de-briefing following a new school project and the typical fight against the status quo in Durham, NC several years ago. At that…


Added by Pasquale J Battaglia, (Pat) on October 21, 2011 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Lapeer County Tea Party Patriots Response to the County Press Wall Street Protest Editorial

The Lapeer County Tea Party Patriots Leadership, in response to a recent County Press editorial, makes the following statements. First, we categorically reject the notion that the comparison of the Tea Party Movement to the Occupy Wall Street Protestors is in any way significantly similar. The small number of protestors, the nature of the protest, the obvious organizational and financial support from specific radical groups, the lack of specific values and issues, the disregard for…


Added by William Gavette on October 16, 2011 at 10:03am — 1 Comment

Levin: We can reduce the deficit and protect the middle class


“Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.”  

   This article was posted in the October 5th issue of the Lapeer County Press. This is a prime example of what we are fighting…


Added by William Gavette on October 5, 2011 at 8:11am — No Comments

The Lapeer County Tea Party Patriots are the topic of the Wed. County Press editorial.

IN OUR WORDS  (County Press Opinion 9-14-2011)


Country's 'anger' could turn face…

Added by William Gavette on September 14, 2011 at 11:05am — No Comments

Lack of baseline budgeting at root of debt problem (Viewpoint Tri City Times)

To the Editor:

In the recent Congressional…

Added by William Gavette on August 22, 2011 at 12:01am — No Comments

Tea Party is the foundation for change (County Press Viewpoint)


The debate over raising the debt ceiling and the subsequent downgrade of the credit rating of the United States has given rise to certain commentary that, while interesting, is fallacious. I have heard and read what essentially amounts to blaming both political parties. If one argues that both political parties contributed to the creating of the unsustainable debt, it is a fair argument.

Both parties spent money like a sailor on shore leave. However, I believe it is not…


Added by William Gavette on August 21, 2011 at 11:55pm — No Comments

Blame Obama, not Tea Party members

The debate over raising the debt ceiling and the subsequent downgrade of the credit rating of the United States has given rise to certain commentary that, while interesting, is fallacious.

I have heard and read what essentially amounts to blaming both political parties. If one argues that both political parties contributed to the creating of the unsustainable debt, it is a fair argument. Both parties spent money like a sailor on shore leave. However, I believe it is not accurate to… Continue

Added by William Gavette on August 14, 2011 at 1:43pm — No Comments

Response to local misinformation in the Lapeer County Press

  In Wednesday's edition of The County Press, Lynnette Burns stated that she hoped the Tea Partiers were happy with themselves and that the rich are richer and she is poorer.  Well Lynnette, I hate to tell you but after the recent passage of the “debt crisis legislation”, we are ALL poorer.  This legislation was not a win for anybody except those that are not truly serious about moving this country out of debt and onto a path of economic…


Added by William Gavette on August 10, 2011 at 2:16pm — No Comments

Make pie better

(From the County Press"In Your Words" page and Lapeer Tea Party member Roger L. Ruhmann )

Setting political garble aside, we sometimes find that simple solutions are not without merit and work just fine. Every household and business at one time or another is forced to examine their books (so to speak) and turn-around management firms are experts in finding solutions to either a negative or eroding bottom financial lines.

You know…


Added by William Gavette on July 24, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

How To Spend 2.6 Million Dollars in 365 days for NO GOOD REASON!

      Well, if you are a parent or a taxpayer in the Lapeer Community Schools school district, hide your kids lunch money.

   In a budget recommendation by the Lapeer Community Schools Administration, and voted on in a 6-1 in favor of decision this past Thursday, June 16th, Lapeer Community Schools is taking 2.6 million dollars out of its Fund Balance savings account…


Added by William Gavette on June 19, 2011 at 2:30am — No Comments

Engine of Prosperity?

So, the administration comes out and tells the world the US economy is no longer capable of leading economic recovery? Thanks for the honesty Tim Geitner; howevewr, that is your job. Or, under this administration, is it? Could it be any more obvious that their goal is to bring the economy down and to insure world redistribution of wealth. Is this not treasonous? What will it take to wake up people If they are so brazen as to say it publicly, what is requred to get people to understand and…


Added by LarryLeidlein on June 26, 2010 at 12:43pm — 1 Comment

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Commissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights -- "From the 10-20 2021 Lapeer County Press"

Original article HERECommissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights OCTOBER 20, 2021 BY KRYSTAL MORALEE CONTRIBUTING WRITERLAPEER — Frustrated by what he sees happening at a federal and state level, particularly during the COVID- 19 pandemic, Commissioner Rick Warren has been known to speak passionately during commissioner time at county…See More
Oct 20, 2021
William Gavette posted a blog post

A few restaurants considered resumption of dine-in service, change minds after state action (From 11/29/2020 Lapeer County Press)

NOVEMBER 28, 2020BY JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • JHOGAN@MIHOMEPAPER.COMOriginal posting HERELAPEER COUNTY — The Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Nov. 15 issued a three-week partial shutdown of businesses and limited the size of outdoor public gatherings until Dec. 8 in an effort to mitigate a…See More
Nov 29, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County road millage proposed (From the March 1st 2020 Lapeer County Press)

Original Article click HERE JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • jhogan@mihomepaper.comNovember ballot may include 1.85-mill, four-year proposalMAYFIELD TWP. — The writing is on the…See More
Mar 1, 2020
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Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette shared their blog post on Facebook
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post


This Thursday (1/23/2020) at 9AM!!!!The Lapeer County Commission is taking up a resolution at its next meeting which is this Thursday morning at 9AM. We encourage folks to attend to support a RESOLUTION TO DECLARE LAPEER COUNTY TO BE A “SECOND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY COUNTY” . Please attend if you can and show your support! This will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2020 during the Commissioner’s meeting that starts at 9:00 am. AS this is at the Courthouse complex, this is a weapon / pistol free…See More
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County may take stand on 2nd Amendment "From Jan 19th Lapeer County Press"

Original Story Link HereResolution to affirm rights to be discussed this week| JANUARY 18, 2020LAPEER — Lapeer County is among those in the first wave of Michigan counties whose leaders are looking at declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuary counties — 2A Sanctuary for short. County Commissioner Rick Warren (District 5) moved Thursday to put a resolution on…See More
Jan 19, 2020
Maurice is now a member of Lapeer County Tea Party
Jan 2, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

Thoughts on the Impeachment Charade from LCTP Chair Maurice Freed...

MAURICE DAVID FREED, JDFREED AGENCY/LAWYER’S HELP INVESTIGATIONSLapeer, Michigan 48446mfreed5161@aol.comDecember 20, 2019Republican National CommitteePO Box 96994Washington DC 20090-6994 Attn: Ms. Ronna McDaniel Chairwoman, Republican National Committee Re: Impeachment - “ME THINKS WE PROFESS TOO MUCH!!”Dear Ms. Ronna McDaniel: The purpose of this communication is to address the importance of the Constitution as the foundation of our Democratic Republic. Whatever your political affiliations…See More
Jan 2, 2020
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Apr 16, 2019

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