Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

How To Spend 2.6 Million Dollars in 365 days for NO GOOD REASON!

      Well, if you are a parent or a taxpayer in the Lapeer Community Schools school district, hide your kids lunch money.

   In a budget recommendation by the Lapeer Community Schools Administration, and voted on in a 6-1 in favor of decision this past Thursday, June 16th, Lapeer Community Schools is taking 2.6 million dollars out of its Fund Balance savings account rather then make further cuts to this years budget. This along with 6 million dollars already trimmed combines for the total 8.6 million deficit that needs to be cut. This will leave around 2.6 million or roughly 5% of its annual operating budget left. In other words, we have about one year away from being broke at the rate LCS is currently spending. Why are  they doing this?

   The district says that dealing with these horrible budget cuts should be a 2 year process They say they are cutting some this year and will continue to cut more next year. Think this is reasonable or smart, well think again.

   The Lapeer Schools Administration and district knows where they are short. They know how to get there, and are simply unwilling to do what MUST be done. LCS has known since Governor Snyder took office in Jan. that he was going to take a much tougher approach to the state budget. Still, our hard bargaining leadership of Lapeer Schools worked out a deal for LCS teachers to pay a whopping 4% of their healthcare costs. The Governors office has made known for many weeks that a major requirement for school districts to get an additional $100 per pupil funding was to have employees pay at least 10% of their healthcare costs. This district settled on a teachers contract in which teachers only pay 4% of their premiums which LCS knew they knew was not in line with the Governors "Best Practices" incentives.This decision, which will save teachers $375,000 in premiums, also has the potential to cost our district over $600,000 in funding from the state.

    If LCS were to make the cuts necessary this year, it will no doubt be difficult, but our children would survive, and we would keep at least a little money in the bank for the challenges that no doubt lay ahead. The Lapeer School Board and Administration know what needs to be cut. They are already saying they are going to finish the tough cuts next year. They are are already targeting what will need to be done for the next years budget. Much of the administration have already agreed to a 7.5% reduction in pay for the 2012-2013 school year. It has already been announced and agreed to by these employees. They know what they need to do. By waiting, they are simply buying one more years pay at our kids expense.

   Last year, healthcare costs to the district employees rose by 13%. This year they went up by 8%. Considering that premiums are in excess of $16,000 per year and the fact that we have 350 teachers, that increase is huge. Retirement costs went up last year alone by over 1.4 million, or $230 dollars for every student in our district. That is a cost that all districts MUST pay and is mandated by the State of Michigan. Both pension costs and healthcare costs are expected to rise this coming year. Our school officials know this. Ask them and they will freely admit it.

   Is it smart in light of the knowledge that these costs will continue to rise to use the fading resources we have left so that we can "soften the blow" for our kids? Next year, we will be in the same place needing to do the same things as we are now, but our kids will have 2.6 million less worry about for the future. Would this math add up to a passing grade in any classroom you were ever in?

   With the new structural changes to the way things are now funded in Michigan, any municipality, or school district that runs their savings down to zero and does not balance their budget, will be put under the management of a Emergency Financial Manager. This financial manager will have absolute authority in any district which does not keep itself above water. Union contracts can be  thrown out, and ALL board and local control of curriculum is gone. Parents would have NO say in what their kids would be taught. By exhausting our savings down to such a minimal level, we are getting dangerously close to the point of no return. We can no longer afford to put off until tomorrow what we need to do TODAY! It is in the best interests of LCS employees, Administration, and most importantly, the students to keep our district in as good a financial shape as is possible under these difficult times.

    At the last board meeting, there was talk from a few board members that there might be some amending of the budget to use less money from our savings account and make more of the tough choices needed. Lets all hope that this is the case and that the Lapeer School Board do what the responsible thing for our kids.

   If not, then We, The People, Parents and Citizens of Lapeer Community Schools must be willing to stand up for our kids and tell the Administration and School Board NO!

    The LCS School Board members are supposed to be the watchdogs for our kids, not watch the dogs steal from our kids. If the LCS School Board will not do everything in their power insure the best possible financial future for our kids, then maybe we need to remove and replace those members who think the fleecing of our kids is ok. LCS must decide whether protecting for our kids future is more important than wasting $7,123.28 every day for a year of money that is supposed to be invested in our kids education.

   I implore the Lapeer Community School Board to do the right and responsible thing and make the  tough choices for the sake of our kids THIS year and not squander needlessly the money that is meant for our kids education.
The ball is in your court. Your decision will determine our decision.

   William Gavette - Lapeer Schools Volunteer and parent.




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