Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!


I guarantee to you folks that the kids that we see who are in the process of completely soiling the tenants of our Western Civilization are a products of the government run school systems, kindergarten thru grad school. What do we do?


My board and I have been involved in the charter school movement pretty much since its inception. We had a de-briefing following a new school project and the typical fight against the status quo in Durham, NC several years ago. At that meeting, we came to the conclusion that school of choice will not be a good choice as long as there was a government hand on curriculum and the purse strings. We knew that we can do much better for our children. There are enough new education initiatives that don’t work. We decided to look back and learn from the history of the greatest and most successful experiment in freedom and liberty this earth has ever witnessed.  


Please allow me to introduce you to American Christian Academies. ACA is a model for a school system that will offer a classical education based on the Judeo-Christian foundations of this America. Our methodology will offer this opportunity to families who currently have no other choices for their children. We will provide an education option nearly tuition free and autonomous from the government and the government run public school systems.


As you consider our premises please bear in mind that not too long ago schools were developed by a community coming together and either building a school house or using the local church. The resident pastor would teach or the citizens of the town would pool their resources and hire a school marm to instruct their children as they saw fit.  Tuition was not relevant because the people contributed all that was needed for the common good of educating their children. The first and foremost “text book” was always the Holy Bible.


What we are proposing is not a new idea but a way to expand that base, “community school”, model nationwide. As with the near perfect simplicity of our founding documents we are best served when we the people address our own needs with our own resources as we see fit. If we do not agree or find something that is more in line with our ideological base we are free to vote with our feet and pocket books. Imagine this concept garnering the support of 2-3% of the professed Christians of this country. If that group donated just $10 per month, every year we could establish 3-5, Pre-K through 12, 1,000+ student schools whose operations are fully and perpetually funded through ethically invested endowments. Now consider that every child we lift up touches 3 to 5 voters... The American Christian Academies can offer a choice whose time has re-emerged, a system of education that will re-awaken What  and who we are in this country. There is no need to point out the failings of the current system, God willing our example will cause all existing schools to raise their respective bars.


We need partners who understand that this needs to be done. This is the long term solution to the ills that our country is experiencing. Know that at the moment that you are reading this note a child is delivering a rock of crack cocaine to one of his school mates, a little girl is selling her precious body to address her habit… and how many lives, once these children start down this path, do they destroy? Our children’s very souls are at stake. What if they were afforded an opportunity to hear the truth of the Holy Scriptures, understand who the Founders were and what they did to allow this country to be great, learn to think, communicate, problem solve and lead, learn to lift up instead of tear down? It took the “progressive” movement less than 3 generations to completely obliterate our schools… “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”, Joseph Stalin.


ACA aims to teach our children how to teach themselves, grounding them in the moral absolutes that guided our Founders. "If we continue to be a happy people, that happiness must be assured by the enacting and executing of reasonable and wise laws, expressed in the plainest language, and by establishing such modes of education as tend to inculcate in the minds of youth, the feelings and habits of "piety, religion and morality," and to lead them to the knowledge and love of those truly Republican principles upon which our civil institutions are founded."Samuel Adams, 1795.


For your further research can have provided a manuscript copy of our forthcoming book “Restoration, The God and Country Education Project” that describes our plan and organization.


We outnumber them. If we pool our resources and circles of influence… if we, together cast a broad net it will be the weight of the minnows that carry the this mission to success. I am not a person who understands a thousand reasons why something cannot be done… just give me one… one child to save… grant us His blessing and this will be done.


I pray that our Lord opens your heart to our mission. May in make a presentation at a meeting of this mission?


In His service,


Pasquale J. Battaglia, (Pat)



American Christian Academies


(616) 437-7840 cell


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