Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

(From the County Press"In Your Words" page and Lapeer Tea Party member Roger L. Ruhmann )

Setting political garble aside, we sometimes find that simple solutions are not without merit and work just fine. Every household and business at one time or another is forced to examine their books (so to speak) and turn-around management firms are experts in finding solutions to either a negative or eroding bottom financial lines.

You know something? Look within. At a time of crisis, most banks review and rightfully say “no more borrowing.” In our respective households, we look with terror as our own overspending crisis settles in and the collectors begin calling, writing, etc. So what do we do?

In business (which is exactly what government has become minus a chief financial officer) one needs to have a good understanding of cause and effect. I am getting off track. In business we search within the company for financial solutions, without impairing efficiencies. We audit department after department, for wasteful spending and when found, we chop it. We don’t have a money printing press…we take what we already have and work with it. We demand departments to streamline, and usually that means getting rid of the wonderful extras.

Can four people do the job of five with a little refinement? Soon bloated departments become smaller, more efficient and cost effective. Government has never had to do this…they just keep growing and growing and printing money to cover the growth cost. Stop it.

Government has an expertise in duplication. What a waste of money. We need to take a close look at this problem and trim it. Have discipline, and stay focused on fulfilling the requests of the population.

We might practice better nutrition skills when cooking at home, and cutting down on the restaurant/ bar circle, remembering how our ancestors made it through the Great Depression. They did not go to the bank to try and borrow (print) their way to financial recovery.

Our recovery is well within our means provided we don’t try and take the rest of the world with us. Contributing immigrants (legal) are welcome provided they can prove self sufficiency. Non legal Immigrants need to go home.

As a Tea Party member, I am proud to say that this is not a solution of Republicans or Democrats. It is the very solution each American was educated and nurtured by. Something seems to happen when someone becomes a member of Congress or a president. You know what I mean?

Don’t try to make the pie bigger by adding more pieces layer by layer. Take a look at all of the ingredients and look for a way to make the whole pie better.

Roger L. Ruhmann


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