Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

May 2015 Blog Posts (5)

Editorial - Lapeer Schools finishing a fine ‘first’ year (From 5-31 Lapeer County Press)

 With the school year winding down to just a few days, we want to salute the more than 500 graduating seniors of the “new” Lapeer High School. Congratulations grads on completing your high school career, and for your successful part in Lapeer’s return to a single high school for the first time in 37 years.

We also want to salute Lapeer’s school board,…


Added by William Gavette on May 31, 2015 at 4:47am — No Comments

Memorial Day Events. ( From the 5-25-County Press)

Memorial Day

Parade, ceremonies to honor those who gave all


810-452-2616 •

LAPEER COUNTY — For many people Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer. It’s a time to put the boat in the water, fire up the grill and have fun with the family.

There are those, however, who know what it really means. Originally established as Decoration Day, a day to decorate the graves of Civil War dead, it has evolved into Memorial…


Added by William Gavette on May 25, 2015 at 9:00am — No Comments




As you may expect the big news this month was the resounding defeat of the increase in the sales tax from 6% to 7%.    May I say thank you to all those who took the time to vote.  When we work together good things can happen.

At the May Lapeer Tea Party meeting people’s concerns about fracking in our state was heard and discussed.  As you may know fracking is a form of extracting oil and gas from the areas in the…


Added by Tim Lintz on May 10, 2015 at 7:21pm — No Comments

PLEASE VOTE by Tim Lintz


The polls open on May 5th to vote on Proposal 1.  This proposal will determine if the sales tax is raised from 6 cents to 7 cents in Michigan.  If you think this will never pass, don’t count on it.  One of the problems is when people think like that and don’t bother to go to the polls to vote. Those in favor of it passing are counting on it!   The fewer people going to the polls may just pass this bill. 

There are so…


Added by Tim Lintz on May 1, 2015 at 11:50am — No Comments

Proposal 1 Road Funding by Larry Leidline

My opinion on the Proposal 1 Road Funding is that it is not a road funding proposal and does not even meet the criteria as a well thought out proposal. It is up for vote because Lansing could not agree on funding and left it up to the voters. Further, it represents a failure of the Governor and Legislature to do the job they were elected to do. Only a slight majority of the $2 Billion it raises goes to road funding, parts of this proposal go to increased educational funding,…


Added by Tim Lintz on May 1, 2015 at 11:42am — No Comments

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Commissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights -- "From the 10-20 2021 Lapeer County Press"

Original article HERECommissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights OCTOBER 20, 2021 BY KRYSTAL MORALEE CONTRIBUTING WRITERLAPEER — Frustrated by what he sees happening at a federal and state level, particularly during the COVID- 19 pandemic, Commissioner Rick Warren has been known to speak passionately during commissioner time at county…See More
Oct 20, 2021
William Gavette posted a blog post

A few restaurants considered resumption of dine-in service, change minds after state action (From 11/29/2020 Lapeer County Press)

NOVEMBER 28, 2020BY JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • JHOGAN@MIHOMEPAPER.COMOriginal posting HERELAPEER COUNTY — The Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Nov. 15 issued a three-week partial shutdown of businesses and limited the size of outdoor public gatherings until Dec. 8 in an effort to mitigate a…See More
Nov 29, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County road millage proposed (From the March 1st 2020 Lapeer County Press)

Original Article click HERE JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • jhogan@mihomepaper.comNovember ballot may include 1.85-mill, four-year proposalMAYFIELD TWP. — The writing is on the…See More
Mar 1, 2020
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Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette shared their blog post on Facebook
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post


This Thursday (1/23/2020) at 9AM!!!!The Lapeer County Commission is taking up a resolution at its next meeting which is this Thursday morning at 9AM. We encourage folks to attend to support a RESOLUTION TO DECLARE LAPEER COUNTY TO BE A “SECOND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY COUNTY” . Please attend if you can and show your support! This will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2020 during the Commissioner’s meeting that starts at 9:00 am. AS this is at the Courthouse complex, this is a weapon / pistol free…See More
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County may take stand on 2nd Amendment "From Jan 19th Lapeer County Press"

Original Story Link HereResolution to affirm rights to be discussed this week| JANUARY 18, 2020LAPEER — Lapeer County is among those in the first wave of Michigan counties whose leaders are looking at declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuary counties — 2A Sanctuary for short. County Commissioner Rick Warren (District 5) moved Thursday to put a resolution on…See More
Jan 19, 2020
Maurice is now a member of Lapeer County Tea Party
Jan 2, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

Thoughts on the Impeachment Charade from LCTP Chair Maurice Freed...

MAURICE DAVID FREED, JDFREED AGENCY/LAWYER’S HELP INVESTIGATIONSLapeer, Michigan 48446mfreed5161@aol.comDecember 20, 2019Republican National CommitteePO Box 96994Washington DC 20090-6994 Attn: Ms. Ronna McDaniel Chairwoman, Republican National Committee Re: Impeachment - “ME THINKS WE PROFESS TOO MUCH!!”Dear Ms. Ronna McDaniel: The purpose of this communication is to address the importance of the Constitution as the foundation of our Democratic Republic. Whatever your political affiliations…See More
Jan 2, 2020
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Apr 16, 2019

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