Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

William Gavette's Blog (117)

If Courser resigns, filling open seat would be up to the governor (From the 8-9 County Press)

       If Courser resigns, filling open seat would be up to the governor


Added by William Gavette on August 11, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments

Dryden man seeks congressional seat (From 7-19-2015 County Press)

                     BY ALEX PETRIE


Added by William Gavette on July 19, 2015 at 11:20am — No Comments

Editorial - Lapeer Schools finishing a fine ‘first’ year (From 5-31 Lapeer County Press)

 With the school year winding down to just a few days, we want to salute the more than 500 graduating seniors of the “new” Lapeer High School. Congratulations grads on completing your high school career, and for your successful part in Lapeer’s return to a single high school for the first time in 37 years.

We also want to salute Lapeer’s school board,…


Added by William Gavette on May 31, 2015 at 4:47am — No Comments

Memorial Day Events. ( From the 5-25-County Press)

Memorial Day

Parade, ceremonies to honor those who gave all


810-452-2616 •

LAPEER COUNTY — For many people Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer. It’s a time to put the boat in the water, fire up the grill and have fun with the family.

There are those, however, who know what it really means. Originally established as Decoration Day, a day to decorate the graves of Civil War dead, it has evolved into Memorial…


Added by William Gavette on May 25, 2015 at 9:00am — No Comments

Wandrie on short list for Grosse Pointe job - (From the 4-19 County Press)

       Wandrie on short list for Grosse Pointe job


Added by William Gavette on April 19, 2015 at 11:52am — No Comments

Officials to draft ballot language for road millage (From the 4-8 County Press)

810-452-2640 •…


Added by William Gavette on April 11, 2015 at 7:04am — No Comments

LCBT warns about robocall debit card fraud (From the 4-1-2015 County Press)

LAPEER — Lapeer County Bank & Trust is warning both their customers and the general public about fraudulent “robocalls” being made to Lapeer-area residents saying their debit cards have been compromised and asking for debit card information.

LCBT is aware of “hundreds and perhaps thousands” of automated calls that were made to Lapeer-area residents…


Added by William Gavette on April 1, 2015 at 1:18pm — No Comments

Here’s what you missed! Meeting Recap from Director Tim Lintz (from 3-8-2015 County Press)

Last month our letter invited everyone, regardless of political doctrine, to come to our March 3rd meeting to see what our meetings are all about. Our meetings try to keep everyone informed about things happening in our government that may impact all of us.

We bring in experts on matters to give you the facts. You’ll hear the pros and cons of the matter and then you can make up your own mind on how to proceed on the issue. You can ask the experts questions to thoroughly understand the…


Added by William Gavette on March 8, 2015 at 3:58pm — No Comments

Utility work begins at site of county’s first roundabout (From the Feb 25th County Press)

810-452-2640 •…


Added by William Gavette on February 28, 2015 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Lefty loses court battle, faces euthanasia Feb. 19 (From the 2-8-15 County Press)

LAPEER — Unless his owners file an appeal Lefty will be put down. After listening to six witnesses Wednesday and Thursday, visiting District County Judge John Conover granted the Lapeer County Prosecutor’s Office’s motion to have the pit bull euthanized.

Without additional court action, Lapeer County Animal Control officials will put Lefty to sleep Feb. 19.


“No matter what that ruling is,” Conover said, “some of you are going to be…


Added by William Gavette on February 8, 2015 at 6:16pm — No Comments

A letter from Rep. Candice Miller regarding the recent U. S, House vote for the new Speaker -

We always try to promote and encourage good communications with our State and Federal lawmakers. Jusst as we encourage you to keep in contact with Legislators, we also welcome news and other communications from them as well. Though we may disagree with this particular vote from Rep. Miller, we very much respect her as a Congresswomen and thank her for taking the time to reach out to our group. Below is the letter from Rep. Miller:…


Added by William Gavette on January 12, 2015 at 2:24pm — No Comments

Beware LCS Voters, Its time for new blood in Lapeer Community Schools Board of Education

   Recently, Lapeer Schools voters were sent a combined campaign piece from Mike Nolan, Mike Keller, Peggy Bush, and Denise Becker urging voters to re-elect them into office. According to their flyer, these four have are responsible for everything from balancing the districts budget, to creating Capstone AP, to putting in district wide wifi. What a bunch of poppycock.

  While of late, these four have joined the newer board members in approving 3 year Superintendent Matt…


Added by William Gavette on October 23, 2014 at 6:57pm — No Comments

Vote NO on the Lapeer County Road Millage Nov. 4

   While we do understand that many of our roads are in need of repair, there are several problems with this road millage as proposed. There are numerous reasons we we should NOT support this ballot initiative, but here are some of the biggest. 

1. Our  Governor and Legislative leaders have stated a willingmess to raise State Road taxes in the upcoming Lame Duck session of the Legislature,

2. Our County Road workers are in the middle of a big budget contract that goes through…


Added by William Gavette on October 19, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments

There is a difference between news reporting, and editorializing the news.


   As the Tri City Times in Imlay City cant seem to report the news without blatantly referring to Republican Candidate Todd Courser as "Right Wing, I thought I would pass along similar information that we got…


Added by William Gavette on September 24, 2014 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Hadley says no to gas line (From the 9-14 County Press)

                     Officials from ET Rover to host open house Wednesday
810-452-2616 •…

Added by William Gavette on September 15, 2014 at 1:05pm — No Comments

Disgusted Conservatives Vow To Sit Out Gov’s Race; Some May Vote Schauer, Others Wait To Decide

 Mark Schauer and Rick Snyder

Story by Craig Maugers, MIRS

Isabelle TERRY, of Rockford, is a member of the Republican state committee. And she’s been a dedicated volunteer for GOP causes. But after a bitter race for lieutenant governor between conservatives and the so-called “establishment,” Terry says she won’t vote for Gov. Rick SNYDER on Nov. 4.

And she’s not the only conservative who feels that way.…


Added by William Gavette on August 27, 2014 at 11:30pm — No Comments

August 13, 2014 Edition Peabody considers write-in Local Tea Party advises against idea BY PHIL FOLEY 810-452-2616 •

Jan Peabody

LAPEER COUNTY — In the wake of Jan Peabody’s narrow defeat by Todd Courser last week in the primary election for the Republican nomination for the 82nd State House seat being vacated by term limited Kevin Daley, there’s been a buzz about the possibility of Peabody running as a write-in candidate in November.

While Peabody said she’s been urged by many people since the election to wage a write-in effort, she added, “No final decision has been… Continue

Added by William Gavette on August 13, 2014 at 4:59am — No Comments

If passed, county road millage will generate $4.8M (From the 6-25 Lapeer County Press)

LAPEER COUNTY — In an article headlined “Without millage county’s roads will go from bad to worse,” on Page 1C in The County Press’ June 22 edition, the amount of money raised annually by the propose road millage was incorrect.

Rick Pearson, managing director of the Lapeer County Road Commission, said, if the 1.85-mill tax is approved by voters in November, it will raise $4.8 million annually based on 2013 property…


Added by William Gavette on June 26, 2014 at 3:00pm — No Comments

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William Gavette posted a blog post

Commissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights -- "From the 10-20 2021 Lapeer County Press"

Original article HERECommissioner: Government has infringed on citizen rights OCTOBER 20, 2021 BY KRYSTAL MORALEE CONTRIBUTING WRITERLAPEER — Frustrated by what he sees happening at a federal and state level, particularly during the COVID- 19 pandemic, Commissioner Rick Warren has been known to speak passionately during commissioner time at county…See More
Oct 20, 2021
William Gavette posted a blog post

A few restaurants considered resumption of dine-in service, change minds after state action (From 11/29/2020 Lapeer County Press)

NOVEMBER 28, 2020BY JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • JHOGAN@MIHOMEPAPER.COMOriginal posting HERELAPEER COUNTY — The Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Nov. 15 issued a three-week partial shutdown of businesses and limited the size of outdoor public gatherings until Dec. 8 in an effort to mitigate a…See More
Nov 29, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County road millage proposed (From the March 1st 2020 Lapeer County Press)

Original Article click HERE JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • jhogan@mihomepaper.comNovember ballot may include 1.85-mill, four-year proposalMAYFIELD TWP. — The writing is on the…See More
Mar 1, 2020
William Gavette shared their blog post on Facebook
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette shared their blog post on Facebook
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post


This Thursday (1/23/2020) at 9AM!!!!The Lapeer County Commission is taking up a resolution at its next meeting which is this Thursday morning at 9AM. We encourage folks to attend to support a RESOLUTION TO DECLARE LAPEER COUNTY TO BE A “SECOND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY COUNTY” . Please attend if you can and show your support! This will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2020 during the Commissioner’s meeting that starts at 9:00 am. AS this is at the Courthouse complex, this is a weapon / pistol free…See More
Jan 21, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

County may take stand on 2nd Amendment "From Jan 19th Lapeer County Press"

Original Story Link HereResolution to affirm rights to be discussed this week| JANUARY 18, 2020LAPEER — Lapeer County is among those in the first wave of Michigan counties whose leaders are looking at declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuary counties — 2A Sanctuary for short. County Commissioner Rick Warren (District 5) moved Thursday to put a resolution on…See More
Jan 19, 2020
Maurice is now a member of Lapeer County Tea Party
Jan 2, 2020
William Gavette posted a blog post

Thoughts on the Impeachment Charade from LCTP Chair Maurice Freed...

MAURICE DAVID FREED, JDFREED AGENCY/LAWYER’S HELP INVESTIGATIONSLapeer, Michigan 48446mfreed5161@aol.comDecember 20, 2019Republican National CommitteePO Box 96994Washington DC 20090-6994 Attn: Ms. Ronna McDaniel Chairwoman, Republican National Committee Re: Impeachment - “ME THINKS WE PROFESS TOO MUCH!!”Dear Ms. Ronna McDaniel: The purpose of this communication is to address the importance of the Constitution as the foundation of our Democratic Republic. Whatever your political affiliations…See More
Jan 2, 2020
William Gavette shared their photo on Facebook
Apr 16, 2019

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