Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

For the past 5 years I have listened to liberals, pundits, talking heads and political leaders describe the intellect of Barak Obama as being beyond compare. He, purportedly, asks the most pointed and intelligent questions, he has "hands on" involvement in all important matters, he has a most curious and inventive mind and he is able to reduce complex concepts to simple explanations instantaneously.

However I am beginning to suspect that these claims are, perhaps, slightly overstated.

Benghazi: Obama claimed he had no knowledge about the repeated requests for additional security. Obama claimed, as long as 2 weeks after the event, that it was caused by an obscure video on the internet. We now learn that almost immediately it was known by the news media as well as the State Department that it was a planned attack; not a spontaneous response to a video. We also learn that the day before the event on 9-11-12 a White House meeting was held regarding security in Libya.
Fast and Furious: A Department of Justice plan to smuggle American made weapons into Mexico went awry and a Michigan man was murdered. Obama claimed no knowledge of the plan as did his attorney general
The IRS made Tea Party organizations and organizations with names that were associated with liberty, taxes, democracy etc. the focus for "special treatment," a phrase that has real meaning to those who survived the Holocaust. Again, in spite of over 160 visits to the White House by the head of the IRS, Obama claimed no knowledge of the "special treatment." In fact he was quoted as saying he learned about it when he read it in the paper.
When the government shutdown took place and the Veterans Affairs department told the survivors of American soldiers killed overseas that they would not receive the promised $100,000.00 benefit Obama claimed no knowledge.
When Edward Snowden released documents disclosing the spying taking place by NSA upon United States citizens, both phone and e mail, Obama claimed no knowledge.
When Der Spiegel, a German magazine, broke the story of NSA listening to the personal cell phone calls of Chancellor Merkel of Germany, once more Obama claimed no knowledge.
When confronted with irrefutable evidence that Obama's solemn promise "that if you like your health care plan you can keep it. No one will take it away…ever." Obama did not claim a lack of knowledge. He just admitted that he lied to the American public.

I am beginning to see a pattern. Obama is either not telling the truth, is so disengaged in governing that he truly has no idea what is going on, he is the most incompetent individual ever to serve as President or a combination of the three. As President he might not be aware of one, or even two of the above examples but it strains credulity to accept that he knew nothing about all of them. Particularly if he is the most brilliant star in the universe as he has been made out to be. Following the principle of Occam's razor, ie, the simplest explanation is most likely accurate; I think Obama is just a liar.

John L. Lengemann

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