Lapeer County Tea Party

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Pavlov recall initiative takes to the streets (From the 12-21 County Press)

Pavlov recall initiative takes to the streets


 Area residents supportive of a recall against Sen. Phil Pavlov marched along DeMille Road in Lapeer on Saturday in advance of a petition drive to start soon. Photo by NANCY R. ELLIOTT Area residents supportive of a recall against Sen. Phil Pavlov marched along DeMille Road in Lapeer on Saturday in advance of a petition drive to start soon. Photo by NANCY R. ELLIOTT LAPEER — Flaunting a festive demeanor in keeping with the holidays, about a dozen people marched along M-24 Saturday to alert voters of the coming recall initiative directed at State Sen. Phil Pavlov, R- St. Clair Twp. Led by a volunteer dressed as Santa, the band hoisted signs and a long banner promoting the recall and advising of the launch of their signature-gathering phase.

Organizers will kick-off their petition drive on Jan. 7, with an event at Gallery 194 in Lapeer from 1 to 4 p.m. Once they get that first signature inked, organizers will have 90 days to collect a total of 20,466 signatures in Lapeer and St. Clair counties that comprise the 25th Senate District. If they succeed, voters will be asked to weigh in on the matter at the Aug. 7 election.

As organizers began their march, several drivers paused to ask what it was all about. Volunteers easily began to cite issues that concern them.

“Education. The Emergency Manager law. Fracking,” they chimed.

“Just about everything he’s done and a lot of things he hasn’t done,” said organizer Teresa Blundell.

“Go for it!” called one driver.

“I just think the cutbacks to education were draconian. Putting the cuts on the backs of the poorest of the poor was a bad idea,” noted Mark Monson.

Marcher Bill Sweet said, “I’m ready to recall anyone that’s in the governor’s ballpark, Kevin Daley and Phil Pavlov. I’m very unhappy with the way things have been going.”

Organizers also cited “blatant unionbusting” and the “whole Republican ideology” as motivators.

The marchers garnered some horn honking with thumbs up as they made their way.

At the same time, a small cadre of Pavlov supporters launched their own march along M-24, carrying signs and a United States flag.

Michelle O’Neal, chair of the Lapeer County Republican party said, “We’re telling these recall people they’re wrong. They’re wasting tax dollars.”

“Elections matter, and they deserve their term for doing what they promised,” said Lapeer County Tea Party Patriot Larry Leidlein.

The counter-march did not dampen spirits in the recall camp. They hoisted their signs, jingled bells and tambourines, and came armed with holiday carols rewritten to fit the event. That included “Recall Phil” to the tune of Jingle Bells and “Recallers Song” a la the Chipmunks.

“The fact that they chose to piggyback off of our recall efforts ... I take it as a compliment,” said a very upbeat Blundell.

“It might help to draw attention our cause,” noted one volunteer.

On Monday, Sen. Pavlov said, “We take this stuff very seriously, but it cannot get in the way of governing.” He cited the reform efforts the legislature has aggressively tackled, and said, “I am comfortable standing on the record of our accomplishments.”

Pavlov was voted into office in 2010. His term runs to Jan. 1, 2015.

In addition to the announcing the impending launch of the petition drive, organizers also drew attention to the new Political Action Committee and website which is gathering steam for a another go at recalling Governor Rick Snyder. For further information on the recall effort, check or Recall Senator Phil Pavlov! on Facebook.

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