Lapeer County Tea Party

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Pavlov recall gets underway (From 1-10 County Press)

BY NANCY R. ELLIOTT 810-452-2601 •

     LAPEER — Saturday marked the launch of the petition drive seeking to get the recall of State Sen. Phil Pavlov, R-St. Clair Twp., on the August ballot. Organizers in Lapeer and St. Clair counties, which comprise the 25th Senate district, now have 90 days to come up with a total of 20,466 valid signatures in order to make it happen.

About 20 volunteers manned a recall launch event at Gallery 194 in Lapeer Saturday. A steady stream of visitors made their way to the festive event, where petition pages began to fill with signatures.

Classic rock band 3- Zip kept things hopping as visitors perused information displays, took training to be petition circulators, asked questions or discussed their views with volunteers, took yard signs and bumper stickers, and laid some ink on petitions. There was also a silent auction and refreshments.

Lapeer County Democratic Party Chairman Gary Medland (right) was on hand discussing issues with visitors, some of whom left with yard signs and bumper stickers after signing the recall petition. Lapeer County Democratic Party Chairman Gary Medland (right) was on hand discussing issues with visitors, some of whom left with yard signs and bumper stickers after signing the recall petition. In all, 75 signatures were inked in Lapeer during the event. At the same time, organizers in Port Huron also held a launch event, where another 278 people signed on.

People who attended Saturday frequently cited education and the emergency financial manager legislation as top concerns.           

“I feel Pavlov and the other Republicans... have been waging a war on the poor instead of waging a war on poverty,” said Dave Campbell of Metamora. He said that by “siphoning funds to charter schools — you’re going to be hurting the poorest students.” On the emergency financial manager legislation, he noted, “The idea is undemocratic.”

Above, recall organizer Teresa Blundell, sporting a ‘Happy New Year’ tiara, discussed issues with visitors at informational displays during the recall launch event. She also hosted training sessions for petition circulators. Photos by NANCY R. ELLIOTT Above, recall organizer Teresa Blundell, sporting a ‘Happy New Year’ tiara, discussed issues with visitors at informational displays during the recall launch event. She also hosted training sessions for petition circulators. Photos by NANCY R. ELLIOTT Teacher Jennifer Hubbell, of Lapeer, said, “The shift of the tax to the people who can least afford it is not going to move our state in the right direction, and neither is the bullying of public education — and that’s what’s happening.”

Attorney Bernie Jocuns said, “The whole goal of privatizing education is ambivalent — we need to work on what we have.”

Other complaints cited included taxing of pensions and other personal tax changes impacting voters.

Cheryl Matas, of Metamora, a teacher and volunteer at the event, said she was there “because lifting the cap on charter schools will siphon dollars away from our public school system which actually does as well or better than charter schools.... I’m also concerned about major campaign donors — I’m not sure which constituents he’s representing.”

Organizer Teresa Blundell was ebullient following the event.

“It went really well,” said Blundell. “We were very, very pleased. We really liked the atmosphere.” She noted that other signing events are already scheduled, including a wine tasting part Feb. 11 and a beer tasting event on March 10.

“We want these to be upbeat, positive,” said Blundell. She also noted that residents are likely to see the Pavlov Recall school bus in the neighborhood at some point. It will serve as a mobile signing venue.

“Both counties will have stationary signing events and canvassing,” said Blundell.

Although organizers were prepared for the prospect that they might see some opposition at their event, that did not materialize.

For more information on the recall effort, check out, or Facebook at Recall Senator Phil Pavlov!

To learn more about the senator’s work in the district and his legislative accomplishments, check out his website at Pavlov.asp?District=25 and follow him on his Facebook page at tor-Phil-Pavlov/196489623745504. His office number is 517-373-7708.

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