Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!


As we head into the new year, reports of President Obama showing approval ratings hovering at 40% are absurd, and very likely could be false. His actions as President can no longer be defended.  This President has been caught lying time after time, and yet there are still those who “approve” of his Presidency?  I highly doubt it.


Supporters may say, “All politicians lie.”  That defense can only go so far. Mr. Obama and his team left four defenseless Americans to die in Benghazi, denying military assistance while they begged Washington for their lives. Knowing it was a terrorist assault, this administration blamed it on reaction to a YouTube video. Conservative groups from around the country are under continuous IRS audit and harassment, despite IRS leaders denying it. The President’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, has been caught lying under oath, among countless other offenses, yet he still holds his position.


And now, the fiasco called Obamacare, just as the conservative groups predicted, is imploding before our eyes. President Obama repeated the lie almost forty times that those who liked their doctors and their policies could keep them. Premiums were estimated to be reduced by $2500 on average, per family. We see now, this is quite the opposite. Now that his lies have been discovered, the President’s “apology” is that he is only sorry that people misunderstood him.  His refusal to ever accept the blame when things like this go wrong is a sign of poor leadership.


It is time for his supporters to call this President out for what he is: a failed leader. Those of us who are Conservatives and support leaders such as Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Mia Love, and Herman Cain – to name a few – reject the constant and ridiculous accusation that because we disagree with this President, we are racists. We couldn’t care less what race he is, he is not a leader. Mr. Obama’s supporters have run out of ways to support his actions.


Terry Ann Jones

Imlay City

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