Lapeer County Tea Party

Keeping the grass roots growing!!

Preacher-In-Chief? says Jesus wants YOU to pay more in Taxes?!?!

Obama's channeling Rev. Wright made me think of this older piece I'd like to share with you...

Liberal's Religion is Government - their motto: Separation FROM Church TO State...

Conservative mindset: "Pay it Forward!"
Liberal mindset: "Pay it For ME!"

We are now reaping what Liberals have been allowed to sow! .... "Render Unto Caesar" does NOT mean in Liberal Laziness pass/transfer Responsibilities to the State.... "Separation FROM Church TO State" .... "Creating Dependency is NOT Compassion" .... "Compassion/Charity is going door-to-door (YOURSELF) to help raise funds for a needy neighbor, Liberal Laziness is voting to have the IRS extort the funds!".... more....

It is not even Xristos-mass time and (not even snowing, many haven't even begun to think about Thanksgiving let alone December yet, but...) I am really tired of Liberals corrupting, distorting, twisting, misquoting, etc, the message of Christ (or just the Torah, if you prefer, this is about Religion in general) to promote Liberal Government. Not even to begin to touch on their invocations of "Separation of Church and State" double-standards. You'll see this has been brewing/building for some time as parts have been touched on in other writings.

This is, no doubt, going to offend and/or anger many on the Left, as if that isn't a good reason to do it on its own, ;-) but it probably isn't going to get any of them to honestly examine their Life, their Faith, and if they are actually applying the two together!?!? How there is a complete disconnect between the message and how it is intended to be implemented with them escapes me (not really). That does (really) trouble me, as a person who really is concerned about all of my fellow Americans.

First, a h/t to bs for this: I Am Angry Post that reawakened these concerns over what seems to me to be obviously misguided convictions, that they are willingly being led into a Statism intent on replacing traditional Faith as the primary entity for worship. You can see/hear those underpinnings in every speech that Leftists give about supposed "Social Justice." That they cannot grasp that statement/concept, makes it even less excusable that they do not make any attempts to see the path that those they choose to follow "Hope" to lead them down. This is NOT just about Abortion. It is the explaining away of how the Govt. should just not be "allowed" to do so many Liberal ideas/things but that it somehow (in their minds) "must" do any number of things.

While I go more in-depth in Frustration with dealing with Politically Brain-Dead and/or to a lessor extent in other Posts here (Party of kNOw) or here (Conservative nominations), I pointed out in my comment (Psychology of awakening ObamaZombies from Liberal Laziness) in bs' RS Diary, and want to briefly touch on again here, the following point:

Shock, Denial, Anger, Acceptance.
Political awareness and Coming to grips with the fact the JackAss Party today is nowhere what it used to be just 50 years ago (and even then it was socialist, just the RINO drip drip slow kind (Republicans must be the Party of HELL NO [to Bigger Govt.] not the ...)) is like the grieving process. We have some that get that SHOCK but quickly just eagerly dwell in the DENIAL phase for the rest of their life. It’s easier that way, of course, to just stumble through life completely oblivious to Reality and keep the little bubble of friends equally in the dark. It is not until we force them to view out their window and see REALITY that they will get to the ANGER phase and to ultimate ACCEPTANCE of the error of their LIBERAL LAZINESS childishness (ultimately selfish, extort from others rather than do ANYTHING themselves to help their friends, family, neighbors, etc, ways). "You can lead a Liberal to the Truth (Facts), but you can't make them THINK!"

I say this all, of course, NOT for thoughtful Conservatives but for the visitors we have that hadn’t figured this out yet and/or for those that might need one additional “thought-provoking” way to try and awaken one of the Brain-deads that may be in their life.

But, that is just the layer above the surface. It is what is under that which troubles me most and what I've ultimately provide this Post to address. That is what I (we) clearly see as the DETOUR Liberal Democrats have put in place and many have followed for so long that they don't recall they have detoured and/or that they are way off course and on the wrong road. The Liberal Democrats' (Progressives/Socialists) desire to "Separate You FROM Church TO State, not the Separation Of Church And State" (wall of separation between Church & State twisted by Libs) that Liberals have gotten wrong from the beginning of the Progressive movement (not unintentionally)!

Co-opting Faith, Hope, and Charity.
It's obvious how "Hope" is being twisted, so let's move right to Charity. I’d like to refer to a common theme on a few ProBamaCare signs that made the rounds at the Health-care Townhalls (HC Townhall: Like Hollywood, Democrats used new Actors to replay th...) invoking (what is supposedly, according to them if it's Republicans/Conservatives) forbidden from Politics: Religion! Charity…

Dear Brain-deads: Charity begins at Home and is giving NOT Extortion (Extortion, pure and simple (to raise taxes or avoid/enac... via the Power of Government. Giving from one’s own holdings rather than reaching into someone else’s pocket-book to give to others. That is NOT CHARITY, it is SOCIALISM - Liberal Brain-dead ObaMorons, just their latest incarnation as they've been lost Pavlov-dogs behind any/all Leftists since Carter, can’t grasp that basic concept/definition! "Pay it Forward" NOT 'Pay it for me!'

It Takes A Village (read: community).
Responsibilities to our Brothers and Sisters. Hillary tried to cash in on that Liberal distortion and Obama has tried to drop it a few times in regard to implying a "Moral imperative" to/for a complete Health-care Takeover (and/or countless other Obama initiatives), rather than true reforms we would agree to. Like Charity, "It Takes A Village" is not offensive to Conservatives, on the contrary - we welcome it! It is, as always, the warped distortion of it by Liberals from Voluntarily (in keeping with God's gift to us of Free Will and expectation we "choose" to engage in it as part of our Faith and Salvation plans) over Coercion/Extortion... As with Charity, when it is forced/commanded by the State, it crossed from the simple "Community" and becomes the "Political Communism!"

Let me spell this out another way for our ultra-Liberal lurkers who (especially a couple of folks from SA, so you can quote me correctly ;-) and not link for folks to read the whole things [an aside - some reasonable folks there intermingled with the usual Liberal Brain-deads], and maybe even a few Conservatives over there that don't know how to explain the difference to those that) don't grasp the distinction:

  • Conservative = Willingly helping fellow Americans, that may have need, of their own volition - giving aid, comfort, time, ones OWN money, etc...
  • Liberal/Democrat/Progressive/Obamunist/SOCIALIST = Engaging in the Laziness of Liberalism (Class Warfare) by voting to have the Government Extort money (Taxes) from the Productive to redistribute to Others, so as to feel (that usual Education Indoctrination "Esteem/Style over Substance") good about having done - really nothing - for someone else.

See too compassion section below.


The PLANET Worship - "Green" and/or "Global Warming" alarmist junk science agenda.
First, Conservatives are NOT anti-science - we are anti-JUNK-science! Remember the 1970's and the "Ice Age returns" alarm-ism? We've not even touched on this obvious one! The Climate $cam agenda placing PLANET Worship over God and the Green Agenda as its doctrine of control (countless sub-issues: 1, 2, 3, 4a/4b/4c, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) rather than being proper custodians of God's Planet Earth and our Home! Conservatives are Real/True Conservationists and want to Preserve the Planet and Resources without destroying Americans (highest quality) way of Life in the process.

"Creating Dependency is NOT Compassion!"
Further, using those whom you create a dependency within for Political means to an end is not Nobel but a False Pretense of, what should otherwise be a selfless and, a Faithful act. They are acts of False Prophets who seek to place themselves above God, create their own following for Personal gains/power, etc... "Compassion/Charity is going door-to-door (YOURSELF) to help raise funds for a needy neighbor, Liberal Laziness is voting to have the IRS extort the funds!"

Plenty of additional examples could be made, but I'll end this here, as Conservatives "get it," while I could go on for pages and pages and exceed the 1,000+ pages of the HR 3200 (Obama-care) with Liberals never understanding it.

Thanks for stopping by and May God Bless!
I bid you all an early Merry X-mas*
*if offended/concerned, re-read the second paragraph of the Post (Xristos).
& remember where the real argument resides - against Liberals

PS: Distortion of the Islamic Faith and twisting text (Qur'an) is NOT limited to Al Qaeda, we have plenty that use distortions of Christianity and the Bible for Statist means here in America: see "Render unto Caesar" (completely misunderstood by Liberals.

PPS: Lest we forget, as it relates to the Health-Care discussions:
Obama went on about "False witness" (he used that exact terminology, Liberal Psychological Projection, as usual!) to impugn his detractors, while his Party members continually Lied about what was in the sole plan (HR3200) in Consideration in the Congress (their distortions/lies details directly highlighted/refuted: here, here, here, and here). Further lied by claiming his own plan (Obama's "My HC plan" Lie - Obama's HC dodge, quoting a non-existent and/or not in consideratio...) - he wasn't saying "His preferences are" he outright Lied about a Plan no-one could read because it didn't exist. If it did it would have been available to read from and introduced into the House or Senate by a fellow Obamunist for Consideration - again, was not, and could not have been, because it NEVER existed! Liberals would like people to BELIEVE in them/Government and that their policies/thoughts are axiomatic and their voters buy into it (again, Liberal Laziness or DENIAL - it's easy that way) and just accept anything they say and keep pulling that JackAss lever on Election days.

Further: The "Separation of YOU from Church to State" (or other minor variations of it) and/or other One-liner Political jabs... using one liners to get people to think (one-liner quotes/jabs) are important, IMHO, as it's all about the Marketing and getting the messages out/through (see too: Getting the message out). The Demoncrats are good at Parroting slogans (often, involving out-right Lies), and sticking them in peoples Brains (especially Politically Brain-dead folks). We have to be better and more clever than them and keep coming up with new/fresh comments to stick in people's craws.

We know they are NOT going to listen to our giving them the FACTS ("You can lead a Liberal to the Truth, but you cannot make them THINK!"), so we have to have the cute, quick, brief, piffy, comments that despite themselves might stick in their Dead-Brain-matter and fester. Enough of those using one liners to get people to think (one-liner quotes/jabs) can add up over time and help to awaken some (Optimism and Faith in, at least, several of the Brain-deads who didn't bother to vote to wake up at least). Seeing more and more one-liner quotes in Posts warms my heart, but we need to be using them out in the streets and/or on our TEApeats signs (Hey Progressives - Here's Your Sign!) we are making headway and a difference!!!

The one-liner jab gets through where a longer argument is never going to be entertained. They have to have their self-awakening and discovery, then they'll come back to us (via Conservative sites) to tune into what they hadn't been paying attention to and continue that Road To Recovery from their DENIAL. We cannot (unfortunately) force them, they have to come willingly!! Again - "You can lead a Liberal to Truth, but you cannot make them THINK!"

In picture form for our Liberal friends to understand it...

(h/t to a RS friend ColdWarrior whom I first saw use the graphic)

As always, Regards from JLenardDetroit from "NoMoTown (The MOTORless CITY)"
"Remember, Liberals - looking to do for America, what they've done to Detroit. - Destroy it!"
"I think, therefore I am Conservative"
"Conservative by choice, Republican by necessity"
"The more things 'hope and change' the more they stay the same"
"You can lead a Liberal to the Truth (Facts), but you cannot make them THINK!"
closing quotes attributable to (me) JLenardDetroit Bookmark and Share

'The Greater Good' - "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of t...
"Occupy" thug-ocrats vs. Tea Party Patriots
Hollywood Hate-fest (2011 edition)
Base-line Budgeting For Dummies
More MSM Lies, Distortions, and Spin
Frustration with dealing with Politically Brain-Dead
Political Extortion and Psychological Projection, as usual!
Warning: Children Will Die!!!
the Party of kNOw
Hey Progressives - Here's Your Sign!
[despite (R) 2010 gains] Exporting/Expanding BLUEism
New "Contract" = "Contrast for America"
Getting the message out

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Comment by Joseph (JLenardDetroit) Lenard on February 7, 2012 at 5:36pm

Then there's this...

"If you like your plan, you will get to keep your plan!" Remember Obama promising you that about ObaMAOcare?!?!?!

Do you think Religious institutions, exercising their conscience by not having their plans include contraception and the (Morning after) Abortion pill, like their plans the way they are?!?! Obama shows how "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" is, and always has been; as well as most everything else out of his mouth is; A LIE!

There is something else that everyone is missing here. This is a purposeful, willful, and with malice of fore-thought, a direct attempt to get Religious endeavors TO DROP THEIR PLANS causing countless more Americans to be in that "Public Option," which was, is, and always has been, their (Liberals) goal. They are moving to complete, outright, Government controlled Socialized Medicine; ObaMAOcare was designed to do this from the outset - to destroy and move people away from Private Health Care Insurance plans to a Government option.

Time and time again, we warned people this was the plan/goal from the outset and so many just buried their head back in the sand - too lazy to pay attention and do any research for themselves, just buying into any and all lies from Liberal/Progressive Democrats about the ObaMAOcare scheme. They have been pushing for this since the 1930's (long before HilaryCare) and only now under Obama and while they had Democrat control of the House and Senate were they finally able to (do what they couldn't, but tried, to do under Clinton, and) ram it through.

I have seen many Religious spokespersons asking that we contact our Representatives and ask that "this policy" be "corrected!" THAT IS THE WRONG APPROACH, ALL OF OBAMA-CARE MUST BE REPEALED - that is the correct/only option and course of action that will stop Liberals/Progressives from exerting control over any and all aspects of your Life in the name of Health Care.

Obamaocare primers: here, here, here, here, here, and HC summary here.


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NOVEMBER 28, 2020BY JEFF HOGAN 810-452-2640 • JHOGAN@MIHOMEPAPER.COMOriginal posting HERELAPEER COUNTY — The Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Nov. 15 issued a three-week partial shutdown of businesses and limited the size of outdoor public gatherings until Dec. 8 in an effort to mitigate a…See More
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